The Supreme Court courtroom is 43 feet wide, 56 feet long and 35 feet high. Most of the wood in the room is oak. The state seal is emblazoned on many of the wall panels, the lamps and the carpet. Included in the seal is the state motto, “Qui transtulit sustinet” (“He who transplanted still sustains”). The portraits on the walls are those of the most recently retired Chief Justices.
The two murals that dominate the room were painted by Albert Herter and placed in the building upon its completion in 1913. Behind the justices’ bench is “The Signing of the Fundamental Orders of 1638-39.” The Orders, the first written constitution in the United States, were drawn up by Thomas Hooker, Roger Ludlow and John Haynes. Hooker is shown standing and addressing the gathering. Ludlow, the secretary, is seated, while Haynes stands in the background with a copy of the new constitution in his hand. In the corners of the mural are the seals of England, seventeenth century Connecticut and modern Connecticut.
The ceiling mural is entitled “An Allegory of Education.” At the top, a mother is seated with the Book of Knowledge and Experience in her lap and her child by her side. On her left stands the Spirit of Wisdom; on her right, the Spirit of Progress. The center portion shows two young men bearing flaming torches that represent the light of education gained from the Book of Knowledge and Experience. They are going forth into life’s activities, urged on by the Spirits of Wisdom and Progress. The bottom portion of the mural shows two figures, representing ignorance and superstition. They appear confused as they fall farther and farther into the darkness as the light of education advances.