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Adult Probation FAQs

Contacting / Meeting with My Probation Officer

1. I was just released from prison, what is the first thing I should do?
Your probation begins the day you are released from prison and you are expected to immediately contact Adult Probation.

2. What are the rules for reporting to my Probation Officer?
You must report on the day and time your Probation Officer tells you to. If you have an emergency or illness that prevents you from keeping your appointment, call and speak directly to your Probation Officer or Office Supervisor and get a new appointment.

3. What should I bring to my appointment with my Probation Officer?

  • Photo ID (Driver License or State ID card).
  • Proof of where you live (utility bill, business mail, etc.).
  • Proof of employment (pay stub, note from employer).
  • Proof of changes, if any, to your name, address, phone, etc.
  • Proof of any completed treatment, community service, restitution and charity contributions.

4. What should I not bring to my appointment with my Probation Officer?
You will pass through a metal detector and be searched, so you should not bring the following:

  • Weapons or anything that can be used as a weapon.
  • Recording devices.
  • Camera cell phones (All regular cell phones must be turned off).


Receiving Services While on Probation

5. Why is it important that I participate in treatment?
Your Probation Officer may refer you to a treatment program. There are many different types of treatment. These programs will help you improve your situation � they are not a punishment. However, failure to cooperate with treatment may result in a violation of probation.

You may not want to go to treatment. This is normal. Programs require your time and effort. The most important first step for you is to attend. Once there, if you approach treatment as an opportunity, you will get the most out of it �  give yourself the best chance for success.

6. Why do I have to sign a release of information?
It is necessary for you to sign the release of information so that your Probation Officer can find out if you attended and completed the program.

7. Do I have to pay for my treatment services?
You may have to pay for your treatment. However, you may be eligible for services through private or state funding, free services or services that are offered at a reduced cost.

8. How can I get information about services in the community?
You can call INFOLINE at 2-1-1. INFOLINE is a way you can get help by telephone or on the internet at www.infoline.org. The hearing impaired can also reach the INFOLINE by TDD.

INFOLINE can provide you with information on the following: housing, financial needs, health insurance, substance abuse and mental health treatment, social services, benefits, suicide prevention, and help in a crisis. The caseworkers can speak different languages.

INFOLINE is toll-free from anywhere in Connecticut and available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.


Probation Regulations / Restrictions

9. What do I do if I am arrested?
If you are arrested, charged with any offense, or have any police contact, contact your Probation Officer, no later than 48 hours of it happening. You may do this in person or by telephone.

10. Can I go out of state?
You may not travel or move out of state without permission from your Probation Officer.

11. Can I carry a firearm?
No probationer may possess any firearms if on probation for a felony or a misdemeanor crime of illegal possession of drugs, domestic violence involving the use or threatened use of physical force or convicted for having a deadly weapon.

Probationers convicted of certain misdemeanors, as listed in your standard Conditions of Probation, may not possess any firearms.

If you are subject to a Protective and/or Restraining Order or other court orders not to possess any weapons, you are expected not to own, possess or purchase any weapons or items that could be used as a weapon.

12. Do I have to give a DNA sample?
If you are notified by letter to give a DNA sample, follow all of the instructions in the letter about who to contact for an appointment and where to go for the appointment. You will need to bring two forms of identification to the appointment. Your refusal to give a DNA sample is a Class D Felony and can be a violation of your probation.

13. Who do I pay my court fines and fees to?
You will make your court payments directly to the Clerk�s Office at the court.

14. Can I vote?
Yes, but first you must be registered in the town where you live and if you were locked up you may have to restore your voting rights. If you have any questions, contact the Connecticut Secretary of State Elections Office: (860) 509-6100, Toll Free (800) 540-3764, TDD (860) 509-6191.


Special Conditions of Probation

15. What if I have a �No Contact� order?
You must not have or attempt to have any contact with the person or place. If that person tries to contact you, do not agree to make contact. Tell your Probation Officer immediately.

16. Where do I send my restitution payments to?
You will be given a form with instructions about your restitution and what is required. Payments must be in the form of a bank check or money order and mailed to CSSD Restitution Unit, 455 Winding Brook Drive, 4th Floor, Glastonbury, CT 06033. You must include your printed name, date of birth, and social security number with your payment.


Violation of Probation

17. What is Violation of Probation?
When you fail to follow the conditions of your probation it is a violation of probation.

If you fail to follow any of your conditions or you get arrested, your Probation Officer may return your case to court. There will be a court hearing and if a violation is proved, you may be sentenced to jail.


Rights While on Probation

19. What are my rights as a probationer?
You have the right to be treated in a respectful and professional manner that is free of any form of harassment, bias or discrimination because of your race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, place of birth, disability and political views.

20. What do I do if I feel my rights have been violated?
First, talk to your Officer and try to resolve your problems with your Officer.

If you feel that you can�t resolve your problems with your Probation Officer, ask to speak to your officer�s supervisor.

If you still cannot resolve the problem you can call the Human Resource Manager to make an oral complaint or you can request a grievance form from the office supervisor and send it to the CSSD Manager of Human Resources, 455 Winding Brook Dr., 2nd Floor, Glastonbury, CT 06109, 860-368-3800.

Your probation will not be negatively affected just because you filed a complaint. Filing a complaint does not relieve you from your responsibilities to the court.


   Tips for Success
    • Review and understand all of your conditions of probation.
    • Think before you act.
    • Slow yourself down and think a few steps ahead.
    • Surround yourself with law abiding people who really want to see you do well, such as friends, family, co-workers, and formal support groups.
    • Take ownership of your probation by becoming an active participant.
    • Be open to the guidance from your Probation Officer.
    • The responsibility for making changes in your life is yours.

SOURCE: CT Judicial Branch