BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Throughout the world, the rule of law is central to the promise of a safe, free, and just society. Respect for and adherence to the rule of law is the premise upon which the United States was founded, and it has been a cornerstone...Read More
Mortgage modification is the changing of a loan; the terms of a mortgage are modified outside of the original terms of the agreement between the borrower and lender. Homeowners that simply cannot afford their mortgage payments can try to improve their deal with their lender. The process is incredibly complicated with concessions offered usually only...Read More
Mortgage insurance is something that many homeowners pay for, yet many homebuyers try to avoid paying for. What is mortgage insurance and why is it a requirement of Federal Housing Authority (FHA) loans? You may be wondering, “What is mortgage insurance and why do I have to pay for it?” Conventional mortgages have private mortgage...Read More
While bankruptcy can be stressful and frustrating, it is meant to help you in the long run. Because of this, it is not impossible to refinance your mortgage after bankruptcy. Depending on what type of bankruptcy you file for, you should be able to refinance fairly soon after your bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy generally ends...Read More
Having a property appraised is a basic part of the mortgage process. Mortgage companies give loans to potential homeowners based upon the value of the property. When a home is used as collateral for a loan, the lender probably wants an appraisal report to make sure that the loan will be assured. This leads to...Read More
Filing for bankruptcy is a big decision. You are probably nervous and overwhelmed about this step in your life. For this reason, you should not go through this alone! Hiring a bankruptcy lawyer will take a lot of the stress and guesswork out of this process. However, you might be hesitating to hire a lawyer...Read More
A sure-fire way to get into debt quickly is to start accumulating interest on some type of balance. Whether you’re dealing with a student loan, a mortgage, or a credit card, interest is the kiss of death for those trying to get out of debt and stay out of debt. It can be very difficult...Read More
As a result of the foreclosure crisis, renters and tenants are now also being affected in addition to homeowners. An owner previously had occupied the average foreclosed home, but speculators who were interested in rent could have possibly owned it. These owners were stuck between falling housing values and rising mortgage interest rates. By a...Read More
Thousands of foreclosed homes are always on the market nationwide. Buying a foreclosed home for many people is a way to get more home for less money, although there are potential downsides. One of these downsides is that you could discover liens that you will be responsible for. One question many people have before purchasing...Read More
If you own a small business and you want to file for bankruptcy, you generally choose to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, depending on your individual situation. However, there is another type of bankruptcy that you can file for. Chapter 11 bankruptcy is an option for small businesses that want to restructure...Read More