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My parents were married right before Valentine’s Day in 1960. Their bridesmaids carried heart-shaped bouquets and wore red lace dresses over taffeta. My parents remained married until my father passed away, and had they both still been alive today, they would have been celebrating their 65th Wedding Anniversary this month. I will still mark the...
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Alimony, rooted in the Latin word “alimonia,” and meaning nourishment or sustenance, is also known as spousal support or maintenance.The history of Alimony is fascinating and dates far back to the 1750’s BC when it first appeared in the Code of Hammurabi, which stated in pertinent part that a man must support a women who...
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Qualification for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is based solely on income. Specifically, income from the last six complete months. So if we are sitting in November, we analyze gross (not net) income from May 1st to September 30th. (It is a rolling six-month basis, so in December we will count June to November.) We go by...
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Below is a copy of a letter that attempts to scam bankruptcy filers. If you receive something like this, please contact me immediately so we can report it to the proper authorities.
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If you are struggling to pay your electric and gas bills, you are not alone. Recently, I called the United Illuminating Company for a client and explained that he is living solely on Social Security and cannot afford his electric bill. It did take a few minutes to get through to the customer service representative...
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According to the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority, “under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Connecticut has been awarded approximately $123 million to establish MyHomeCT, a program funded by the Homeowner Assistance Fund. The goal of MyHomeCT is to cure mortgage delinquencies and defaults, and prevent foreclosures among eligible homeowners that occurred as a result...
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The top five reasons most of my clients file for Bankruptcy are (1) loss of income, (2) foreclosure, (3) medical crises, (4) overspending, sometimes tied to an addiction or gambling and (5) divorce. I see clients at all stages of the divorce process: before, during and after. When I meet with clients before they file...
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In honor of International Pineapple Day on June 27th, I wanted to share this great Consumer Tip especially as we are going into a holiday next week and you can make this treat to bring to any cookout without breaking the bank. Enjoy a slice of the tropics for under $10…with this Two-Ingredient Pineapple Angel...
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There are several types of bankruptcies available to individual people and business entities. Let’s analyze each one here in a 30,000 foot overview and then in future articles we will take a deeper dive. CHAPTER 7: This is my favorite chapter and also the one I personally filed in 2009. It gives the debtor (the...
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As summer approaches, middle and high school students can choose from catalogues of camps that promise to improve everything from language skills to layup shots. Federal court camps prepare participants to be informed and engaged citizens in every walk of life, and at no cost. “We view the summer camps at our federal courthouses in...
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