“Erase everything from the past that does not serve you, and be grateful it brought you to this place now, and to a new beginning.”
– Rhonda Byrne

Click here to listen to the story of my journey to Bankruptcy.
In the years that followed, I used my story to help hundreds of other people understand the positive side of Bankruptcy and to get their second chance as well.
Since I filed, I got married, opened my own firm, bought a house with my husband, paid off one auto loan, leased another vehicle, paid down my student loans, incurred healthy debt, had a baby and wrote a book.
I do not tell you these things to brag, but rather to illustrate the point that none of these things would have been remotely possible if I didn’t file Bankruptcy.
If you would like to learn about how it can change your life too, please contact me to schedule a free consultation.