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January 2016
A: Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code provides for adjustment of debts of an individual with regular income.  Basicall or texty it allows you to re-organize your debts and save your home and cars. A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is also call or texted a wage earner’s plan. It enables individuals with regular income to develop a...
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Bankruptcy is a choice that may help if you are facing serious financial problems.  You may be able to cancel your debts, stop collection call or texts, and get a fresh financial start.  Bankruptcy can help with some financial problems, but does not guarantee you will avoid financial problems in the future.  If you choose...
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A decision to file for bankruptcy should be made only after determining that bankruptcy is the best way to deal with your financial problems.  This blog can not explain every aspect of the bankruptcy process.  If you still have questions after reading it, contact Consumer Legal Services, LLC for a FREE consultation today! What Is...
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Are you maxed out on your credit cards? Have you recently been laid off? Do you have unexpected medical bills? Is your phone ringing off the hook with aggressive bill collectors? Has your mortgage ballooned out of control? In a nutshell, are your bills more than you can pay? Fortunately, there’s a bailout available to...
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Attorney DeGray is proud to announce that Consumer Legal Services, LLC will be participating in the New Haven Volunteer Attorney Program giving Free Foreclosure and Loan Modification Advice. Through this program, parties will have free consultations with a volunteer attorney on issues such as mortgage modification, foreclosure and/or foreclosure mediation.  Attorney DeGray and the other volunteer attorneys will provide parties with a...
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If you decide to seek bankruptcy relief, you can represent yourself, you can hire an attorney to represent you, or you can get help in some localities from a bankruptcy petition preparer who is not an attorney.  THE LAW REQUIRES AN ATTORNEY OR BANKRUPTCY PETITION PREPARER TO GIVE YOU A WRITTEN CONTRACT SPECIFYING WHAT THE...
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This court order grants a discharge to the person named as the debtor. It is not a dismissal of the case and it does not determine how much money, if any, the trustee will pay to creditors. Collection of Discharged Debts Prohibited The discharge prohibits any attempt to collect from the debtor a debt that...
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Most people with debt problems are, at least intially, highly resistant to the idea of filing for bankruptcy.  Filing chapter 7 or chapter 13 is often viewed as taking the easy way out, or looked at as a good way to ruin one’s future credit rating, or as a moral failing best to be avoided.  These viewpoints, combined with financial...
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When you’re pressured by Foreclosure In today’s housing market, many people are facing potential mortgage foreclosure even the people who never imagined that this could happen to them. Maybe you had to move because your family grew, you got a divorce or you needed to relocate for a job. Or maybe you cannot close the...
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Do you Qualify for Bankruptcy? Are you frequently late in paying your bills? Do unexpected expenses cause a serious strain on your finances? Do you constantly worry about paying your bills on time? Are you behind on any of your debts? Has your income decreased in the past six months? Have your wages been garnished...
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