Once your Means Test is complete and it is determined that you are a qualified candidate for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, I will the instruct you to complete a Credit Counseling Course which is the next step in the Bankruptcy process. The completion of a Credit Counseling Course is required by the Bankruptcy Code. I...Read More
Once we have met each other at a free initial consultation and you have delivered your documents to me, I will analyze your financial circumstances and perform your Means Test. A Means Test is an assessment used to determine if you qualify to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Before 2005 it was easy to file...Read More
During our initial Chapter 7 Bankruptcy consultation, I will go over a list of documents I need to analyze your financial circumstances. I will ask that you prepare and deliver copies of the documents requested, and that you retain your originals. These documents, which will include items such as pay stubs, bank statements and household...Read More
December 3, 2020 The Connecticut Fair Housing Center makes a commitment to fight on because too many people depend on us and our ability to fight for them. Neither the outcome of an election nor the spread of a deadly virus alters the fact that discrimination continues, and people are on the brink of losing their homes. Your support is needed now more...Read More
When you find yourself in debt and want to learn what your options are, the best thing to do is to find a local law firm that offers free initial Bankruptcy consultations. I offer free initial consultations in-person with masks and proper social distancing at various locations around the state of Connecticut (including Orange, Shelton...Read More
State of Connecticut By His Excellency Wilbur L. Cross, Governor Proclamation Time out of mind at this turn of the seasons when the hardy oak leaves rustle in the wind and the frost gives a tang to the air and the dusk falls early and the friendly evenings lengthen under the heel of Orion, it...Read More
Beginning with the December 7, 2020 calendar, arguable motions will resume printing on Short Calendar 02 (Property/Foreclosure) in addition to non-arguable motions that have printed since the October 13, 2020 calendar. All motions will be available for marking during the marking period. Attorneys are required to mark their motions electronicall or texty unless they have...Read More
With the holidays right around the corner you feel as though this should be that time when everyone is spreading the cheer, but it seems more like everything has stayed the same or gotten worse. Unfortunately, the holidays won’t be what they were last year, whether it be because your travel plans got cancelled or...Read More
About two dozen U.S. district courts have posted orders that suspend jury trials or grand jury proceedings, and scale back other courthouse activities in response to a sharp nationwide rise in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases. The surge in new court orders in recent weeks marks a significant pause in efforts by federal courts to resume full...Read More
Beginning Monday November 16, 2020, it will become mandatory for attorneys and law firms without an exemption from electronic services to submit electronicall or texty in PDF format all exhibit documents on paperless Civil and Family matters, for all hearings and trials scheduled after Monday November 16, 2020. Electronic submission of exhibits will be optional...Read More