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Monday - Saturday By Appointment Only


Dear Friends,

Thank you for visiting my Blog.  I am inviting every contact I have and whoever lands on this page to visit my BNI Chapter in Derby any Thursday at Noon.  Please scroll down to read my BNI story and about what BNI has done for so many people worldwide!


Through the course of my career I have been asked several times to consider joining BNI and my response was always: “SEVEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING???  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!”

But one day I was reading an article about marketing and networking and the author explained that it is not the 25 people sitting with you in the meeting, it is the 200 to 300 people behind each one of those 25 people at the table that will change your life. And I found a BNI that meets at Noon!



“BNI (Business Network Int’l.) was founded by Dr. Ivan Misner in 1985 as a way for business people to generate referrals in a structured, profession environment.  The organization, now the world’s largest referral network, has tens of thousands of members on almost every continent of the world.  Since its inception, members of BNI have passed millions of referrals, generating billions of dollars for the participants.  The primary purpose of the organization is to pass qualified business referrals to the members.  The philosophy of BNI may be summed up in two simple words: ‘Givers Gain.’ 

Dr. Ivan Misner
Dr. Ivan Misner

If you give business to people, you will get business from them.  BNI allows only one person per profession to join a chapter.  The program is designed for business people to develop long-term relationships, thereby creating a basis for trust and inevitably, referrals.  The mission of BNI is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive, and professional ‘word-of-mouth’ program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.” -Givers Gain: The BNI Story by Ivan R. Misner, Ph.D.



My all girls parochial high school instilled in me the “Mercy Tradition” of service above self.  I carry that tradition with me and on a daily basis through the work with my clients.  When I was introduced to BNI, I realized that the tradition it is based on – “Givers Gain” – which is the result of the “Mercy Tradition.”  As I give referrals to others, I help and serve all involved.  For example, when I give a referral to a chiropractor in my group, I know the person being referred to him will get the medical treatment needed to feel better and enjoy life, and I know that the doctor will gain business that he will make money from which he will use to help his family and the community.  I know this because I know the person he is from building a long-term and trust-based relationship with him through BNI.  In fact, our chiropractor’s motto is “caring, loving and serving!”


I understand that not everyone owns their own business or is responsible for bringing business to their employers but we all know someone who is, so if this opportunity does not pertain to you specificall or texty, please pay it forward and pass it on to a family member or friend looking to grow their network and build their business through referral networking at its best!

Thank you, Theresa Rose DeGray