The next step in your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Process will be to attend your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan Confirmation Hearing. Do not be alarmed! You will likely not have to testify at this Hearing at all. But I will explain below the process leading up to and including your Conformation Hearing, so you can have...Read More
After your initial consultation, I will analyze your financial circumstances and perform your Means Test. A Means Test is an assessment used to determine if you qualify to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Before 2005 it was easy to file for bankruptcy; virtually anyone could do so. In 2005 Congress enacted the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention...Read More
About a year ago, over the course of many months, in between taking care of my son and clients, I co-authored a book call or texted “Tiger Tactics: Powerful Strategies for Winning Law Firms.” Below is a sample. Copies can be ordered on Balance They say when you have a baby, you should sleep...Read More
March 14, 2019 The Census Bureau’s Median Family Income Data accessible through the “Means Testing Information” page has been updated. The U.S. Trustee Program will apply the updated data to all cases filed on or after April 1, 2019. SOURCE: More
1. Where can I find general information about Child Support Enforcement Services? The Connecticut Child Support Enforcement Program (referred to as the “IV-D” program) is a cooperative effort between the Judicial and Executive Branches of Connecticut government. The primary Judicial Branch component of the IV-D program is the Support Enforcement Services Unit of the Court...Read More
A Guest Blog by Joshua M. Dickinson, CPA Now is the perfect time to come clean and catch-up on your outstanding tax obligations. Connecticut has introduced “CT Fresh Start” which is a Connecticut tax amnesty program which runs through November 30, 2018. Almost all tax types are eligible under the program including both business and...Read More
HUD Home-buyer’s Seminar at the West Haven Main Library, 300 Elm St on Wednesday, September 12th from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm Join in learning the ins and outs of buying a home. They will be covering topics such as housing rights, loans, home buying programs, and more! Registration is required: Please call or text...Read More
Introduction Raising children is not easy. However, caring for children when parents are no longer together can be even more difficult. Although parents may try to work out their differences regarding the care of their children, visitation schedules, or parenting responsibilities, this is not always possible. In some instances, the Court’s involvement is needed to...Read More
Our Role in Family Civil Court The role of Family Services is to assist the Court and clients in the timely and fair resolution of family and interpersonal conflicts through a comprehensive program of alternative dispute resolution services, case management, evaluation and education. With this purpose in mind the Family Relations Counselors will utilize the...Read More
– 1. What is Unemployment Insurance?Unemployment Insurance is temporary income for workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own and who are either looking for new jobs, in approved training, or awaiting recall or text to employment. The funding for unemployment insurance benefits comes from taxes paid by employers. Workers do not pay any...Read More