I know I’ve talked about this time and time again. If you follow my blog, you are probably wondering why I’m going to dedicate another post to hiring the right lawyer for you. But I’m going to do it anyway, and I have good reason! No matter what lawyer you choose to hire, you need...Read More
If you are in debt, you will probably be interested in hearing that the FDCPA is not the only act that protects your rights from debt collectors and creditors. There is another act that seeks to regulate the way that information such as credit information is collected and disseminated. This act is the Fair Credit...Read More
If you’re living on a tight budget and find yourself barely scraping by from paycheck to paycheck, getting your tax returns might seem like an incredible gift. However, you want to use this gift wisely. While it is natural to want to spend your tax returns immediately, there are better ways to use this money,...Read More
For most college students, going away on spring break is a rite of passage, an item to check off of the “college experience” bucket list. While taking a trip with friends for spring break can be a blast, and you’ll make memories that you’ll talk about for years to come, a big trip can cause...Read More
In the past I have talked about some different ways that you can use your tax return to your advantage in order to get out of debt and save for the future. One of the tips I gave in that article is to use your tax return to file for bankruptcy and hire a bankruptcy lawyer....Read More
If you find yourself in debt, and you want to spend the New Year focusing on getting out of it, you might not know where to begin. How can you get your debt under control and make a plan that will not only help you with debt management, but also one that you can actually...Read More
Estate planning is an important yet oftentimes overlooked step that all people should take as they get older and get their affairs in order. Yes, most of us know that we should create a Last Will or name an executor to our estate, but how many people focus on estate planning as an essential part...Read More
“Leverage: the use of a small initial investment… to gain a very high return.” -Dictionary.com I have been debating how to talk about this in a delicate manner and I simply could not figure it out. So, I will just come out and say it: People being crushed by debt can leverage their tax refunds to file Bankruptcy and...Read More
National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) is a coordinated campaign that encourages consumers nationwide to take full advantage of their consumer rights and make better-informed decisions. NCPW 2015 will take place March 1 through March 7 2015. Source: NCPW “At the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, our mission is to ensure a fair and equitable marketplace,...Read More
Today’s Guest Blogger is Kimberly Spanier who owns and operates Everything Under the Roof, LLC, with her husband, Jay. At work they are a husband and wife team, but at home they are a mom and dad team, so they truly understand the importance of keeping a home improvement project orderly and on time, while...Read More