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Q: What is bankruptcy? A: Bankruptcy is a legal process for people who cannot afford to pay their bills, and offers them a fresh start. The right to file for bankruptcy is granted by federal law, and all Connecticut bankruptcy cases are handled in federal courts located in New Haven, Bridgeport and Hartford. Q: How...
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I don’t know about you, but I am thrilled that summer is here! After the long, cold winter we had, I can’t wait to get out in the sun! The warm weather brings with it many benefits. There are a whole host of free activities that you can do now that you can get outside....
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Each month, one thing that people spend a significant amount of money on is food. Grocery shopping can be overwhelming, time-consuming, and expensive – but it doesn’t have to be! I’ve created a list of my best grocery shopping hacks to make sure that you keep the costs down and save money when grocery shopping!...
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Most states allow homeowners that file for bankruptcy to protect their homes through the homestead exemption.  The homestead exemption works in Chapter 7 bankruptcy by allowing a homeowner that files for bankruptcy to protect the equity in their home.  The homestead exemption works in Chapter 13 bankruptcy as well.  In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the amount...
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Just because money is tight right now does not mean that you don’t deserve to celebrate Memorial Day! If you are hoping to find a frugal way to spend time with family and friends as you honor those who have served and ring in the summer, I’ve got some great money-saving tips for having a...
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Foreclosure is a horrible experience for most people; you and your family can lose your home.  Your credit score will be severely impacted; also your family will have to find a new place to live.  The loss of money in an escrow account might also happen.  Escrow accounts are special accounts that lenders use to...
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Doing something new or different can be scary. You might not know what to expect, which can make you imagine the worst. If you are preparing for a meeting of the creditors or if you are taking your bankruptcy case to court, you naturally might feel nervous and unsure of how to act. The good...
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A Missouri jury ordered a debt buyer to pay nearly $83 million to a Kansas City woman it pursued for a $1,000 credit card bill she didn’t owe, NPR affiliate KCUR reports. The jury found Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC guilty of violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, for which it will pay $250,000 in...
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Have you tackled your wallet cleaning project, and are now looking for a bigger challenge? Consider cleaning out your home! When you’re living on a budget, every dollar counts! To make a little extra cash, you might want to consider partaking in the spring cleaning ritual and selling some of your old possessions. As the...
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