Did you know Student Loans are discharge-able in Bankruptcy? Well, they are but only if you meet three strict requirements: (1) Poverty, (2) Persistence and (3) Good Faith. It’s call or texted the Brunner Test. Basicall or texty it means if you can prove an “undue hardship” you can eliminate Student Loan Debt in...Read More
by Seena Gressin Re-posted from the Federal Trade Commission Website If you have a credit report, there’s a good chance that you’re one of the 143 million American consumers whose sensitive personal information was exposed in a data breach at Equifax, one of the nation’s three major credit reporting agencies. Here are the facts, according...Read More
Carnivals are great places to go where families can have fun times together and make great memories. With no admission fees to most Carnivals, often folks have the impression that they are inexpensive. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. The cost of food, games, and rides most certainly adds up and a so-call or texted “inexpensive”...Read More
Every year I re-read the Declaration of Independence and meditate on the amazing freedoms I enjoy (and sometimes admittedly, take for granted). This year I have been studying the history of Bankruptcy in America and came across this wonderful book call or texted Republic of Debtors: Bankruptcy in the Age of American Independence by Bruce...Read More
For the month of January 2017, all Estate Planning Packages are 25% off. They include a Will, Living Will and Power of Attorney. Also, we are announcing that we are moving from 74 Cherry St to 501 Boston Post Road, Unit #23 , Orange, CT as of February 1, 2017, and we will be starting...Read More
Everyone over the age of 18, especially parents of young children, need a simple Will, Living Will and Power of Attorney (these documents together are formally call or texted an “Estate Plan”). Estate Planning can be given as a gift to others and/or it makes a great New Year’s Resolution for yourself. As a mother, and...Read More
Notice to All Members of the Connecticut Bar and Authorized House Counsel Effective January 1, 2017, new Connecticut Practice Book Section 2-27A will require, with certain exceptions set forth in the rule, all members of the Connecticut Bar and attorneys certified to be Authorized House Counsel (AHC) in Connecticut to complete a minimum of twelve...Read More
Last week, I talked about some of the benefits of hiring a probate attorney. If you’re sold on the idea of hiring a probate attorney to help you through the Will or probate process, but you’re not sure how to go about hiring the best attorney, this post is for you! I’ve come up with...Read More
One question that you might have as you create your last Will or sift through the Will of a loved one is – do I really need a lawyer to help me with this? Legally speaking, you do not NEED to hire a lawyer to assist you in creating a Will or probating a Will....Read More
Creating your Will is probably not an exciting experience. Facing your mortality and the task of splitting up your assets can seem depressing, however, it is an extremely necessary thing to do to ensure that in the event of an accident your family will be provided for and your wishes can be carried out. Here...Read More