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“The Connecticut Child Support Guidelines are based on the Income Shares Model. The Income Shares Model presumes that the child should receive the same proportion of parental income as he or she would have received if the parents lived together. Underlying the income shares model, therefore, is the policy that the parents should bear any...
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In Divorce: “In determining whether alimony shall be awarded, and the duration and amount of the award, the court shall consider the evidence presented by each party and shall consider the length of the marriage, the causes for the annulment, dissolution of the marriage or legal separation, the age, health, station, occupation, amount and sources...
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The following is summarized from the websites of the American Association of Retired Persons: www.aarp.org/ , the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS): www.ct.gov/drs/cwp/view.asp?a=1462&q=289046 and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS): www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc101.html People needing free help to complete their federal tax forms have a number of options available to them. They can seek assistance at an...
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1. What is an Attorney for a Minor Child (AMC)? An attorney for a minor child, often referred to as an AMC and also call or texted Counsel for the Minor Child is an individual the court appoints, either upon motion of a party or when the court determines an AMC is necessary to advocate...
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2016 Report of Statistics Required by the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. Introduction Under 28 U.S.C. § 159(b) (link is external), enacted as part of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA), the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO) is required to submit an...
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While it is always preferable if you and your spouse can work out the terms of your divorce, if you are unable to do so, a judge will make the decisions that will impact your family, such as: who will have custody of your children how to divide your property and assets how to pay...
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If you and your spouse have an agreement as to all issues, you may ask the court to waive the 90-day waiting period that is otherwise required for divorces. Note: This information also applies to dissolution of civil unions performed in a foreign jurisdiction. What are the benefits of requesting that the 90-day waiting period...
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My vehicle meets the definition of a “Lemon” and my case has been accepted for arbitration.  Do I automaticall or texty get a refund or replacement vehicle? The law provides basic guidelines for remedies, but there is no fixed rule.  Each case is treated individually by the arbitration panel when determining an award.  If their...
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The “Lemon Law” is a nickname for Connecticut General Statute Chapter 743b, “Automotive Warranties.“ It establishes arbitration as an informal process for resolving disputes between consumers and automobile manufacturers. The law defines a lemon as a new motor vehicle (passenger car, combination or motorcycle) purchased or leased in Connecticut which does not conform to the...
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Nonadversarial Divorce is a simplified process by which eligible parties can obtain a divorce within 35 days without having to come to court and appear before a judge. What are the benefits of a Nonadversarial Divorce? You can obtain a divorce in days, as compared to the regular process, which takes at least 3 months...
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