With vacation season in full swing, it’s easier than ever to lose track of a wallet in a winding airport security line, or on a crowded, sunbaked beach. Rather than spiraling into a panic about your wallet taking a vacation of its own, here are some steps to take right away. Report the loss immediately....Read More
Upon filing for Bankruptcy an “Automatic Stay” goes into effect immediately and stops creditors from all collection activity. That means, the moment a Bankruptcy is filed, it automaticall or texty stops: All Harassment Utility Shut-Offs Foreclosures Evictions Repossessions Wage Garnishments Tax Levies Bankruptcy will give you the time to breathe and regroup. If you are facing these,...Read More
When it comes to debt there are two main types, secured and unsecured. In Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy knowing the difference between both is very important so you can implement a proper plan. Even if you aren’t filing bankruptcy it is still good to know what the differences are between the debts. First,...Read More
If you are over the age of 62 and planning on staying in your own home, a Reverse Mortgage may be for you, and you will want to read this eNewsletter very carefully because recently the Reverse Mortgage Laws have changed. Due to those changes, I sat down with an experienced Reverse Mortgage Consultant to...Read More
Whenever someone comes to see me about issues with their mortgage, the first question I ask is always: “Do you want to keep your home?” And I always expect a very long answer because there are a lot of considerations when making that decision. Factors include but are not limited to: Can I really afford it?...Read More
Here you are in your golden years and you’re also in overwhelming debt. The question now becomes “what should you do?” If you have retirement savings, you can use that to pay down debt, but then you won’t have anything left to live on. Or, a smarter choice, would be to keep your retirement savings,...Read More
DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY,TRUSTEE v.JOSEPH R. PONGER ET AL.(AC 41014) DiPentima, C. J., and Moll and Sullivan, Js. Syllabus The plaintiff bank sought to foreclose a mortgage on certain real property owned by the defendant T and her former spouse, P. T and P had executed a mortgage deed, and P had executed a...Read More
Each month, the one thing that people spend a significant amount of money on is food. Grocery shopping can be overwhelming, time-consuming, and expensive – but it doesn’t have to be! I’ve created a list of my best grocery shopping hacks to make sure that you keep the costs down and save money when grocery...Read More
Bankruptcy filings fell 0.3 percent for the 12-month period ending June 30, 2019, according to statistics released by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. Annual bankruptcy filings totaled 773,361, compared with 775,578 cases in the year ending June 2018. Business filings rose by 1.1 percent, just the third time since 2010 that business bankruptcies...Read More
Passwords – Hate Them or Love Them, You’re Stuck with Them Passwords are the bane of every person who uses multiple social media and email platforms. At your job many people (including you maybe?) hate them and do their best to circumvent best practices. Meanwhile people like me can’t fathom why anyone would use password123...Read More