Congratulations, you have successfully completed your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy case and received your Discharge! But…just what is a Discharge anyway!?! The most frequently asked question I get from my clients is “WHAT IS A DISCHARGE?” So, in this Chapter 13 Series Blog installment I am going to fully explain what a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy...Read More
The last action you must take in your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Process will be taking the Debtor Personal Financial Management Education Course. This is actually fun and will be your first step on the road to a healthy financial life! In order to receive your Discharge you must complete an “instructional course concerning personal financial...Read More
The next step in your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Process will be to attend your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan Confirmation Hearing. Do not be alarmed! You will likely not have to testify at this Hearing at all. But I will explain below the process leading up to and including your Conformation Hearing, so you can have...Read More
In my last blog entry of this Chapter 13 Series I explained who the Chapter 13 Trustee is and what role she plays in your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case. In this blog I am going to stay with that topic, and add some information on just what to expect at a typical Section 341 Meeting...Read More
In your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy process there will be 3 main characters: you, your attorney and the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee. The Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee is the person who oversees your Bankruptcy Case. There is currently only one Chapter 13 Trustee in the State of Connecticut, who is appointed by the United States Trustee. ...Read More
In my last blog I discussed your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Petition Signing. Also at that appointment we will go over your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan which will be filed with the Court along with your Petition. This blog will give you a general overview of a typical Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan (hereinafter referred to as...Read More
In this blog we will explore a very important step in your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy process: Your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Petition Signing and Filing. Once you have met with me for your free initial consultation, retained me to file your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Petition and delivered to me all of the required documents, I will...Read More
Once your Statement of Current Monthly Income is complete and it is determined that you are a qualified candidate for a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy with enough disposable income to fund a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan, I will then instruct you to complete a Credit Counseling Course which is the next step in the bankruptcy process. ...Read More
Now that we have met each other and you have delivered your documents to me, I will analyze your financial circumstances and prepare your Statement of Current Monthly Income. A Statement of Current Monthly Income is an assessment used to determine your disposable income which is used to fund your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan. The...Read More
During our initial Chapter 13 Bankruptcy consultation, I will go over a list of documents I need to analyze your financial circumstances. Initially I will use these documents to prepare your Statement of Current Monthly Income and ultimately to prepare your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Petition and Plan for repayment. I will ask that you prepare...Read More