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My parents were married right before Valentine’s Day in 1960. Their bridesmaids carried heart-shaped bouquets and wore red lace dresses over taffeta. My parents remained married until my father passed away, and had they both still been alive today, they would have been celebrating their 65th Wedding Anniversary this month. I will still mark the...
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Alimony, rooted in the Latin word “alimonia,” and meaning nourishment or sustenance, is also known as spousal support or maintenance.The history of Alimony is fascinating and dates far back to the 1750’s BC when it first appeared in the Code of Hammurabi, which stated in pertinent part that a man must support a women who...
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The top five reasons most of my clients file for Bankruptcy are (1) loss of income, (2) foreclosure, (3) medical crises, (4) overspending, sometimes tied to an addiction or gambling and (5) divorce. I see clients at all stages of the divorce process: before, during and after. When I meet with clients before they file...
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Consumer Tip: Make once, eat twice! Sheet Pan Chicken Fajitas…a great meal to make on a weekend and enjoy again for quick lunch or dinner during the week. Ingredients: 2 lbs. of Chicken Tenderloins 3 Bell Peppers of any color 1 Yellow Onion 1 Lime 2 Packets of Fajita Seasoning Olive Oil Directions: Preheat oven...
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When I was a kid my mother would get us Irish Soda Bread once a year from the local bakery. It had raisins and caraway seeds in it. I thought it was a cross between raisin bread and rye bread. Simply put, I thought it was gross! As an adult, I have a friend that...
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As ever, when scammers spot a crisis in the world, they are there to take advantage. It’s true after natural disasters, when scammers set up fake charities that look and sound like real ones to try to get your money. And it’s true now that millions of people want to support the Ukrainian people. If...
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Effective Monday, March 7, 2022, the Judicial Branch will suspend the requirement of wearing a mask when entering a Judicial Branch facility. If COVID-19 activity increases in the state, mask use by individuals may again be required. Also effective March 7, 2022, the Judicial Branch requests but is not requiring jurors and prospective jurors to...
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Love happens year-round, not only on Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately, romance scams are the same. So, along with sharing (or not) some chocolate, make Valentine’s Day a time to share with people you care about some ways to spot and avoid romance scams. Because, according to a new FTC report, people sent $547 million to online...
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Beginning in October, 2021, but subject to change depending upon developments in COVID-19 pandemic conditions, Family Court will begin to conduct in person certain proceedings which have to this point been conducted primarily by remote video. The precise date of commencement of these changes may vary from district to district. APPLICABLE COVID-19 SAFETY PROTOCOLS WILL...
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Case Evaluation Hearings are intended primarily for pending matters that have not had previous court dates. The purpose of a Case Evaluation Hearing is to determine the specific issues in the case, the likelihood of the parties reaching an agreement, the amount of court involvement needed, and the scheduling of further proceedings. If the court...
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