Chapter 13 is an interest-free repayment plan that allows you to combine your debts and repay all or part of them while protecting you from creditor harassment. It is an excellent alternative for debtors whose financial problems cannot be helped by a Chapter 7 filing. Chapter 13 often provides much greater protection to debtors who own significant assets...Read More
What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? Chapter 7 Bankruptcy was enacted to allow persons who are hopelessly burdened by debt to have an opportunity for a new beginning by wiping out unsecured debts (debts that aren’t tied to any specific item of property, most commonly credit cards). Chapter 7 is designed for persons who cannot afford...Read More
Absolute Priority The order of payment to the different classes of creditors mandated by the Bankruptcy Code. Accord and Satisfaction An agreement to settle a contract dispute by accepting less than what’s due. Adequate Protection The right of a party with an interest in the debtor’s property to assurances its interest will not be diminished...Read More
Please cut and paste these questions into an email with the answers for yourself (and/or your spouse) and send to Attorney Theresa Rose DeGray at Your full names and the town and state in which you live; The full name of any child or children you currently have and his/her/their date of birth; The...Read More
Background Chapter 12 is designed for “family farmers” or “family fishermen” with “regular annual income.” It enables financially distressed family farmers and fishermen to propose and carry out a plan to repay all or part of their debts. Under chapter 12, debtors propose a repayment plan to make installments to creditors over three to five...Read More
SOURCE: GROWTH SUCCESS RADIO Growth Success Radio is the podcast for small to medium businesses who need pointers and tips on their growth and features topics on digital marketing, Google dominance, being a social business and so much more. Will bring you the lasted and greatest tools and ideas to fuel your businesses Growth Success!...Read More
We had an excellent turnout at the 2015 Network of Executive Women’s Girls Night Out! Thank you to all who participated and supported the event!Read More
If you’re trying to save money, you might be wondering when you should skimp and when you should proceed as you normally would. Birthdays and holidays are events that can be particularly hard to handle while you are trying to save money because these occasions are usually expensive. With Thanksgiving approaching, it is important that...Read More
I love the summer, but by the time it draws to an end and the leaves start changing, I get excited for autumn in the Northeast. For me, fall signifies hiking through the foliage, apple cider, and of course, all things pumpkin! If you’ve got that fall pumpkin craving, check out these awesome and cheap...Read More
What exactly is an objection to bankruptcy discharge? Is a creditor or a bankruptcy trustee trying to challenge debts that you are trying to discharge? If there has been an objection to your bankruptcy discharge, do not panic. In this article I will explain what this objection means and how you should proceed. If you...Read More