If you find yourself in debt, and you want to spend the New Year focusing on getting out of it, you might not know where to begin. How can you get your debt under control and make a plan that will not only help you with debt management, but also one that you can actually...Read More
Estate planning is an important yet oftentimes overlooked step that all people should take as they get older and get their affairs in order. Yes, most of us know that we should create a Last Will or name an executor to our estate, but how many people focus on estate planning as an essential part...Read More
“Leverage: the use of a small initial investment… to gain a very high return.” -Dictionary.com I have been debating how to talk about this in a delicate manner and I simply could not figure it out. So, I will just come out and say it: People being crushed by debt can leverage their tax refunds to file Bankruptcy and...Read More
Today’s Guest Blogger is Kimberly Spanier who owns and operates Everything Under the Roof, LLC, with her husband, Jay. At work they are a husband and wife team, but at home they are a mom and dad team, so they truly understand the importance of keeping a home improvement project orderly and on time, while...Read More
Today’s post comes from my friend and colleague, Fern Tausig, CH. Fern is the owner of My Healing Hypnosis and has come to our blog to share tips on how to save money by quitting smoking, which will in turn, save your life! Here is what Fern has to say: “I am always amazed at...Read More
Recently, I appeared as a guest on a talk-radio show with host, Eric Lopkin. Click here to listen to the episode and learn more about me and my practice.Read More
You’ve just graduated from college. Four years of writing papers, cramming for tests, and juggling your social, academic, and work life are now behind you. You have the golden ticket to get you the perfect job – A Bachelor’s degree. Now you can move into a cool apartment, make tons of money, and pay off...Read More
Welcome to 2015! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday with friends and family and had the opportunity to relax a bit. At this time of year, many people turn to “new year resolutions.” “Yes, this year I’m going to use that gym membership!” “I will finally write that novel in 2015!” “Hmmm. I’ve...Read More
Continuing with the Bankruptcy Success Series, this time we are featuring fellow Connecticut resident P.T. Barnum. Yes, this famous showman and businessman was excellent at displaying oddities and wowing crowds worldwide, but he was not always diligent with his money. P.T. Barnum is a Connecticut legend – many of you may have visited the P.T....Read More