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Carnivals are a place that families go in order to have a fun night out together. With no admission fees to most carnivals or fairs, some people have the impression that they are inexpensive. Although, unfortunately, that is not always the case with these game-filled and ride oriented affairs. The cost of food, games, and rides...
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It’s a bit of a catch-22, isn’t it? In order to build your credit, you need to have and use a credit card. But in order to qualify for many credit cards, you need to have good credit. What are you supposed to do when you know that your credit is bad, and you fear...
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If you’re living on a tight budget and find yourself barely scraping by from paycheck to paycheck, getting your tax returns might seem like an incredible gift. However, you want to use this gift wisely. While it is natural to want to spend your tax returns immediately, there are better ways to use this money,...
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If you’ve decided that filing for bankruptcy is right for you, you might be wondering what will happen with your tax return. This article will discuss tax refunds and Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Whether you lose your tax refund or are allowed to keep it in bankruptcy will largely depend on the timing of your bankruptcy...
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Holidays can be a lot of fun, but they can also get expensive! As Easter approaches, you are probably interested in making some festive food and partaking in fun activities with your children, but you might not be sure if you can afford it. Luckily, Easter is a holiday with many opportunities to save money....
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In this blog we will explore a very important step in your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy process: Your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petition Signing and Filing. Once you have met with me for your free initial consultation, retained me to file your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petition and delivered to me all of the required documents, I will...
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Once your Means Test is complete and it is determined that you are a qualified candidate for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, I will the instruct you to complete a Credit Counseling Course which is the next step in the bankruptcy process.  The completion of a Credit Counseling Course is required by the Bankruptcy Code.1 I...
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After we have our Initial Consultation and you have delivered your documents to me, I will analyze your financial circumstances and perform your Means Test.  A Means Test is an assessment used to determine if you qualify to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Before 2005 it was easy to file for bankruptcy; virtually anyone could...
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During our initial Chapter 7 Bankruptcy consultation, I will go over a list of documents I need to analyze your financial circumstances.  I will ask that you prepare and deliver copies of the documents requested, and that you retain your originals.  These documents, which will include items such as pay stubs, bank statements and household...
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