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Here you are in your golden years and you’re also in overwhelming debt. The question now becomes “what should you do?” If you have retirement savings, you can use that to pay down debt, but then you won’t have anything left to live on. Or, a smarter choice, would be to keep your retirement savings,...
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Republished from Nolo.com There are many alternatives to filing for bankruptcy if you are struggling with small business debt.   Depending on your circumstances, some of these options may also provide you more benefits than bankruptcy. Read on to learn more about the different alternatives for dealing with small business debt. Doing Nothing The easiest alternative...
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For Consumers Finding a Debtor Education Provider Can the United States Trustee Program (USTP) help me find a debtor education provider or recommend a provider? How can I locate an approved debtor education provider that offers services in languages other than English? Taking the Debtor Education Instructional Course May I complete my debtor education and...
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Consumers Counseling Requirements Must all individuals obtain credit counseling prior to filing a chapter 7, chapter 11, chapter 12, or chapter 13 bankruptcy? Finding a Counseling Agency Can the United States Trustee Program (USTP) help me find a credit counseling agency or recommend an agency? How does an individual locate an agency that offers credit...
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The United States Trustee Program is a component of the Department of Justice that seeks to promote the efficiency and protect the integrity of the Federal bankruptcy system.  To further the public interest in the just, speedy and economical resolution of cases filed under the Bankruptcy Code [external link], the Program monitors the conduct of...
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I know I’ve talked about this time and time again. If you follow my blog, you are probably wondering why I’m going to dedicate another post to hiring the right lawyer for you. But I’m going to do it anyway, and I have good reason! No matter what lawyer you choose to hire, you need...
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When You File Bankruptcy You can choose the kind of bankruptcy that best meets your needs (provided you meet certain qualifications): Chapter 7 – A trustee is appointed to take over your property. Any property of value will be sold or turned into money to pay your creditors. You may be able to keep some...
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Q: What is bankruptcy? A: Bankruptcy is a legal process for people who cannot afford to pay their bills, and offers them a fresh start. The right to file for bankruptcy is granted by federal law, and all Connecticut bankruptcy cases are handled in federal courts located in New Haven, Bridgeport and Hartford. Q: How...
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Not really sure what cases civil litigation lawyers take on? Civil Litigation is such a broad subject matter and the different types are endless. There are two categories or types of cases in the American legal system, civil and criminal. Basicall or texty, anything non-criminal in a court of law is considered to be a...
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Have civil litigation questions? Not sure about even just the basic steps in the civil litigation process? Get answers here! For starters, civil litigation, simply put, is a non-criminal matter in a court of law. It is the most popular area of practice amongst all legal professionals. All civil trials are governed by the Federal...
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