Oftentimes, the decision to file bankruptcy comes with feelings of embarrassment and shame. Many of my clients tell me that they don’t want anyone to find out that they have filed for bankruptcy – their family members, friends, co-workers or neighbors. Many also ask me if the fact that they have filed bankruptcy is information...Read More
If you are in debt, creditors can be brutal in their pursuit for their money. Harassing phone call or texts, emails, letters, etc. can be sent to you, and this can be extremely overwhelming. Being in debt is difficult enough to deal with, but having to deal with nasty creditors on top of that can...Read More
When you find yourself in debt and you contemplate debt consolidation, you are simply putting a Band-Aid on the problem. When you find yourself in too deep and rob Peter to pay Paul, like taking money from your 401K to pay medical bills or refinancing your home to pay off credit card debt, you are slowly peeling the Band-Aid off...Read More
If you have decided to file for bankruptcy, the next step is hiring a bankruptcy lawyer. Such lawyers are familiar with bankruptcy laws and cases, and can help make the bankruptcy process as easy and pain-free as possible. However, all bankruptcy lawyers are not the same. There are some questions that you should consider asking...Read More
Since an increasing number of individuals and businesses are filing bankruptcy, it is not uncommon to receive a notice of bankruptcy filing from someone who owes you money or has property that you have an interest in. A “notice of bankruptcy filing” is simply a letter that advises you that the individual or business owing...Read More