“Leverage: the use of a small initial investment…to gain a very high return.” — Dictionary.com I have been debating how to talk about this in a delicate manner and I simply could not figure it out. So, I will just come out and say it: People being crushed by debt can leverage their tax...Read More
A Guest Blog by Joshua M. Dickinson, CPA Now is the perfect time to come clean and catch-up on your outstanding tax obligations. Connecticut has introduced “CT Fresh Start” which is a Connecticut tax amnesty program which runs through November 30, 2018. Almost all tax types are eligible under the program including both business and...Read More
MEANS TEST NUMBERS ARE GOING DOWN Bad News in the Bankruptcy World: Bankruptcy qualification is based solely on household income. Every six months or so the Office of the United States Trustee changes the Means Testing figures. Come Novermber 1, 2018, the Means Testing Numbers are going down. This directly results in less people being qualified to file for Bankruptcy. Good News For You:...Read More
If you are over the age of 18, you need an “Estate Plan,” especially if you have children. A basic estate plan consists of three documents: A “Power of Attorney,” which appoints someone you choose who will have the power to do things on your behalf such as banking, real estate and other transactions if...Read More
Q: What is bankruptcy? A: Bankruptcy is a legal process for people who cannot afford to pay their bills, and offers them a fresh start. The right to file for bankruptcy is granted by federal law, and all Connecticut bankruptcy cases are handled in federal courts located in New Haven, Bridgeport and Hartford. Q: How...Read More
How do you feel when you think about your financial situation? If you experience anxiety, uncertainty, or other unpleasant symptoms, you are not alone. Finances are a significant concern for many people. A 2017 study by Guardian Life Insurance Company of America entitled “Mind, Body, and Wallet,” found that money is cited as the #1...Read More
The following is provided as a quick and convenient source of general information about the appointment of Notaries Public in the State of Connecticut. For more detailed information, please consult the Notary Public Manual on the website below. Qualifications, Fee & Examination Section 3-94b of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) provides that any person eighteen years...Read More
You can receive tax refunds while in bankruptcy. However, refunds may be subject to delay or used to pay down your tax debts. If you believe your refund has been delayed or offset you can check on its status by going to Where’s My Refund tool or by contacting the IRS’ Centralized Insolvency Operations Unit...Read More
Find out if you qualify for FREE: Qualification for Bankruptcy is based solely on income. It is calculated using your last six months of income. The Means Test used to determine qualification allows you to make up to certain amounts of money based on your state and household size....Read More